about Deanna
Deanna McGrath RN, LPC
EMDR Certified
My favorite part of being a counselor is the opportunity to see clients’ strengths and how, with a little bit of guidance, clients can make desired changes that lead to a more meaningful and worthwhile life. I believe that my ability to unconditionally accept and support clients from all walks of life makes this possible. My desire is to help all of my clients live the life they were created for.
Born and raised in Colorado, I grew up in the southwest Jefferson County area. After I graduated from Columbine High School, I obtained my Bachelors degree in Elementary Education from Metropolitan State University of Denver and taught in Jefferson County Schools for 5 years.
I then became a registered nurse and have worked in dialysis, surgical services, transplant, psychiatric services, and hospice. I completed my Masters degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling at Denver Seminary. I graduated with Honors and received the Dr. James R. Beck Counseling Licensure Award for excellence and potential in the field of licensed therapy. I am certified in group and individual crisis intervention and peer support from the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation. I am EMDR-Certified (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) and utilize it to provide relief from the effects of traumatic life experiences and also apply it to many other conditions. As a life-long-learner I delight in sharing my love of learning with my clients.
Buffer Zone Counseling was started with the vision of being a place where clients can find a calm space, away from the hostilities and conflicts they face. Please come and experience the opportunity to explore the possibilities that await you once you give yourself the chance to step away from the challenges of your life and develop a fresh approach to living. It may seem impossible to take one hour a week for you but I guarantee you are worth it and will exponentially reap the benefits.
As the wife and mother of first responders, I have experienced an insider's view of the joys and pains experienced by first responders and their families. As the daughter of a World War II Veteran and family member of Veterans who have served in Iraq, Afghanistan, Japan, and Vietnam I know the value and satisfaction of service as well as the toll it can take on individuals and families. As a registered nurse I know the needs of individuals and families faced with health challenges. My experience as a teacher has contributed to my focus on education and empowerment of my clients.
Since becoming a counselor I have worked with a wide variety of clients, helping them on a path of healing. I have counseled in a private counseling center, community mental health office and currently provide the convenience of teletherapy.
Counseling works best as a collaboration. We work together with the goal of helping you come to new realizations and make the changes you desire. My seminary education has prepared me to help you discover how spirituality can enhance your mental health if this is where you feel led. I take a humanistic approach to therapy which means that I seek to understand your current experience with openness and authenticity. I am EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) Certified and will help you discover ways EMDR can enhance your journey. The answers to a more satisfying life are available. I work to hold a calm space in which you can locate those answers. I would be honored to collaborate with you.
Counseling Services
Individual Therapy
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing- including The Flash Technique to gently reduce disturbance levels and Recent Traumatic Events Protocol for relatively quick resolution of disturbances soon after traumatic events
Currently providing teletherapy only
Adults 18 years and older from all walks of life
Military, Veterans, and families
First Responder Counselor- Police, Fire, EMS, Dispatch, Corrections, related fields and their adult family members
Individuals living with chronic illness and health challenges
rate information
Please contact me about my rates.
I am a contract therapist with SonderMind, Headway and Collective Counseling Solutions and through those groups, I am a credentialed provider with Aetna, Anthem BC/BS, Cigna, Kaiser, Lucent Health, Medicare, TriWest, and United Health. If you don’t see your insurance listed, please ask as new companies are added regularly.
Please be aware that while there are benefits to using your health insurance for therapy, there can be drawbacks. I am happy to discuss this with you.
For self-pay clients, I accept payment at the time of our session in the form of credit card via Ivy Pay, a HIPAA secure credit card processing service.
I hope that our time together will bring the color back into your life!
Please email me at deanna@bufferzonecounseling.com or give me a call at 303-506-6619 if you would like to find out more about my counseling services or would like to schedule an initial appointment. I am providing teletherapy only at this time.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Buffer Zone Counseling, PLLC
Deanna McGrath, LPC
Mailing Address only:
1420 W. Canal Ct. Littleton, CO 80120
I provide non-emergent mental health counseling. In case of a mental health emergency, please call 911. For urgent mental health concerns, please contact the Lifeline by dialing 988 or via chat at https://988lifeline.org